Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Verdier- Molinié “Change policy software or go to the wall” – Le Figaro

FIGAROVOX / TRIBUNE- Agnes Verdier-Molinié as the weight of the economy in the distrust of the French to the traditional parties. It will be December 16th Salle Gaveau to introduce the necessary reforms for our country


Big Meet Agnes Verdier-room Molinié Gaveau December 16.

Book your tickets in advance.

On the internet: Boutique Le Figaro

By phone: 01 70 37 31 70

“traditional” parties are booed by citizens during these regional. Why? A striking indication comes from the observation that these traditional parties are involved: striking that environmentalists, in the COP 21, perform one of their worst scores, the front left and the Communists, who have not yet ceased to their opposition to the government on behalf of his non-compliance with commitments, similarly bite the dust. Finally the right parties and their centrist allies, did not benefit from this disaffection, and in any case far from their expectations. Of course the attacks of 13 November are certainly a lot to the concerns of the French and their unmet demand for safety. But we must go much further than this explanation. See the need to endlessly renewing a hostage of a political caste system – and union – locked in the appointment of its remote and very real concerns of the population.

The question of taxes (40%) close behind the issue of security (45%). The French opinion here sees in the traditional parties no leader able to chart a course.

The opinion polls say, tours and conferences in the regions that the signatory these lines recently completed confirms, economic concerns take the upper hand: insupportable taxes, red tape of all kinds, a wind of freedom trying to blow at the same time that unemployment gangrene society in a bankruptcy context the state and lack of political project. Much more than the duties of integration of immigrants and the fight against inequality, “economic development and job creation” are the priorities of 54% of respondents in the latest survey by Opinionway for Le Point. And the question of taxes (40%) close behind the issue of security (45%). The French opinion here sees in the traditional parties no leader able to chart a course.

The truth? Neither the Republicans nor the centrist-Socialist Party have failed to understand that the French of our territories and our businesses are to end. A bout overwhelmed because of various taxes, out since facing a labor code and standards and laws of more tatillonnent and difficult to understand. A bout as employment disappears everywhere. The regions Nord-Pas-de-Calais and Picardie-PACA are among the most affected by unemployment with 12.4% and 11.5%. We note that here is some correlation between unemployment rates and the FN vote. Crossed voting data with those of the management of regions, it appears that most regions are in debt and poorly managed, more tax pressure, the greater the FN vote is important.

For other regions where the FN emerges, it is the poor quality of proposals and the lack of political offer that should be highlighted. Many new spending announced by the candidates left, right and center in both Burgundy and Franche-Comté, announcements also spending more and Centre-Val de Loire in the amounts left right about fair … Always tired old recipes.

Thus, the operating expenses of PACA and Nord-Pas-de-Calais (for the regions and departments) are they particularly important. If we follow also the study of the tax burden on companies in these regions (all local taxation), the figures speak for themselves: more than 2,100 euros per employee PACA and Nord-Pas de Calais and Picardy while Britain , for example, is 1,700 euros per employee tax burden … Local Debt, payroll taxes and unemployment have much tendency to skid in the same territorial basins. And especially as bad habits management are found in the same geographical basins to all local strata, municipalities, intercompany, departments and regions. The cities of Montpellier, Lille and Marseilles did not stand out as examples in terms of management by line of public money … For other regions where the FN emerges, it is the poor quality of proposals and the lack of ‘policy provides that it should be emphasized. Many new spending announced by the candidates left, right and center in both Burgundy and Franche-Comté, announcements also spending more and Centre-Val de Loire in the amounts left right about fair … Always tired old recipes.

And because the right and its allies in the center does not have so shone in the campaign to advance regional tracks government spending and tax cuts. Most applicants, regardless of their political affiliation, even offer (apart Valérie Pécresse, Xavier Bertrand and Bruno Retailleau …) more new spending than saving.

How to believe in savings when the first of them would have been to reduce the number of

In addition, 43% of FN his voters are young people from 18 to 24 years category of the most victim of the unemployed population. “Where are the structural reforms that bring down the unemployment? “Howl French to parties that do not hear.

Regional councilors with the passage of 22-13 regions (previously scheduled) was rejected in Parliament? Fewer areas but still … so many elected with the blank check from Parliament. The security discourse will not be enough to reassure the French tired to see that our governments have always preferred to cut defense spending or prison rather than in social spending-which explode to 34% of PIB or operating expenditure our public services and to continuously increase the tax burden that destroys jobs. The verdict will be announced in April with, the key, a local taxation still likely to rise. Local governments should commit to reducing the operation to boost public investment. So the key: downsizing, grants, unproductive subsidies, focus, etc. Only the productive expenditure should be prioritized and evaluated.

In addition, the FN has 43% of its voters are young people 18-24 years category of the most victim of the unemployed population. “Where are the structural reforms that bring down the unemployment?” Shout the French to parties that do not hear. And who does not answer the question. This is the end of a system. We must renew the political software that is dying. The new software will go through entrepreneurship, lower taxes, lower public spending, reducing the number of agents and the number of elected


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