Friday, November 13, 2015

No software is immune to eavesdropping, says an ex-spy – ZDNet France

William Binney has harsh words against the US intelligence agency, the NSA. And the latter is a connoisseur of the NSA, who has worked thirty years in the service of spying for the United States.

“The greatest threat to US citizens, it is the US government, “said he was at a session of questions & amp; Answers on Reddit. And the administration can count on its agencies and their considerable resources.

 However, can the software protection of these agencies, such as operating systems like Open Source Linux? “I do not think a single software is immune surveillance” answered William Binney.

Is it still possible to escape mass surveillance? To this question, the former spy also meets with a certain pessimism. His solution: “Use smoke signals”. “With the NSA budget of more than 10 [billion] dollars a year, they have more resources to acquire your data you can hope to defend yourself,” he adds.

The NSA is all powerful, a priori. But his method is it provided effective? Not in the opinion of William Binney. Because according to him the mentality of a mass gathering collides with data processing capabilities. And therefore, this approach is no longer effective.

Despite the revelations of Snowden, the former intelligence agent believes that changes to US law since remained minor. Thus, he considers the only way to influence the NSA practices through the largest legislative developments.


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