Friday, November 13, 2015

Jesse Pinkman Leslie Knope, software was tested … – Konbini

With Emotions , a software that decrypts our facial expressions, Microsoft has opened Pandora’s box. We did not resist the urge to test this new toy on our series Heroes

Anger, satisfaction, disgust, fear, happiness, neutral, sadness, surprise … nothing escapes him, to one decimal. Emotions is the name of this software, dissects our facial expressions to extract the very substance: the encrypted data and compiled to create an algorithm capable of reading between the lines of our face <. /> p>

So we borrowed a little experiment with some well-known characters of series and the result is quite accurate.

Jesse Pinkman


Ahhh, the thrill of freedom! Jesse Pinkman can finally let Heisenberg behind him and move on. Breaking Bad ends. He exults. The numbers do not lie, he is happy. But another emotion complements this dominant: sadness

Emotions pat on the mile.. What the software has identified, is the sense of extreme relief. A joy to be alive, proportional to the degree of suffering that led to this moment.

Leslie Knope


Leslie is happy in her life and fulfilled at work. Most of the time. Sometimes the heroine of Parks and Recreation does not care pissed and persists. Leslie Leslie Knope becomes … Nope!

No ambiguity in his body language, external signs of anger panic meter with a score of 0.84. Leslie furious, but not only. The very low figure of fear indicates that it fears nothing and no one in that moment: she is determined

Jon Snow

 Jon Snow

We wanted to break, the machine wrong, handing him a trap. Jon Snow, mono-expressive hero of Game of Thrones , would serve as a guinea pig.

And we had beautiful multiply the tests with different photos of the bastard Stark, the result is always the same. The dominant expression is: neutral. This is the software that says, Jon Snow is always the same face!

Michael Scott

Michael Scott

The hero of The Office US version, a pattern of SMEs in constant demand for attention is a mix of insecurity, clumsiness and stupidity. But as they say, happy simple minds!

So on this air simpleton that Emotions has made teeth. A face that the software interprets as happiness, mixed with a hint of anger.

A zombie


Ultimate challenge for our great software: he will interpret facial expressions … of a dead man? By definition, the zombie has more emotion (even if it raises a slew among those, alive, who cross his path.)

This decaying body, which had its quarter minutes of fame in The Walking Dead , leaves perplexed our algorithm. The dominant emotion is anger, with a hint of surprise. Emotions is not yet equipped to decipher the furious desire to eat people.


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