Monday, October 26, 2015

The Tesla autopilot software approved in Europe – Le Vif

With this software, a Tesla Model S owners can allow their cars to ride partially autonomously, since it is already equipped with a variety of sensors provided for this purpose. With this new technique, the driver can for example allow his car to change itself lane on the highway or to park fully automatically.

Tesla launched the software Last week the United States. During the presentation to the press, Musk had nevertheless invited users to be cautious. “This is a sort of public beta versions We want people to use caution still holding hands on the wheel. “

This warning is meanwhile the rest justified because it quickly emerged on the canvas videos disassembling the automatic pilot Tesla was not working well enough.

It is not yet known exactly when the software will be available in Europe. In Japan, the application for registration is still being processed. (AG / WK)



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