Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Bluetooth Developer Studio, a software prototype for more … – Aruco

The Bluetooth SIG, body in charge of Bluetooth standards, has launched software to accelerate the phase developments connected objects: Here Bluetooth Developer Studio

Bluetooth Special Interest Group, commonly known Bluetooth SIG; is the agency responsible for the development of Bluetooth standards but also the distribution of the technology and its licensing.


Most recently, the organization launched Bluetooth Developer Studio software to help companies designing faster way connected objects . Available only on Windows machine, the software wants to be very simple to use, with the aim of focus on the product launch and reduce development time .


It’s hit drag & amp; drop that the user will be able to define their scenarios and use cases to develop and create a Bluetooth service. The code can be generated directly for third-party solution , which reduces all the development time.


The software is free and is available with different templates and videos to return quickly in the heart of the subject. A developer community is also present in order to exchange and share around Bluetooth. Finally, it is also used during testing phases either simulator or with external physical products.

Knowing that some manufacturers are turning to radio technology, it is rather Malignant parte of the Bluetooth SIG to present a complete development solution to highlight the qualities of Bluetooth and simplicity Development . It is true that if the hardware can be scary to develop, that the embedded software and its Bluetooth part can be quickly prototype and test is really a plus.


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