Monday, September 28, 2015

Volkswagen case: Bosch would have provided the software for “testing” – Clubic

After the car manufacturer, it is the turn of another German group to be the target of criticism due to the circumvention of anti-pollution tests. Bosch would have provided the offending software, only for testing, installing them without authorization on Volkswagen vehicles.

According to the German press, Volkswagen and Bosch knew since 2007 that software was inserted in some car models. These computing devices were designed to rig diesel vehicle performance when anti-pollution tests. An agreement would have been signed between the two marks, scoring a close collaboration with the editor.

As a reminder, Volkswagen has acknowledged installed on several of its diesel car models, a system to failed some anti-pollution tests. An algorithm contained in embedded software was able to recognize these events and act accordingly when notified bodies were making pollution testing.

Bild Zeitung , Bosch would be the publisher of the offending software. The company is hiding behind the confidentiality of trade relations with Volkswagen and remains unclear as to the precise contract. She, however, that the software was delivered only be used for purposes “ Test .” The integrator would however have been warned of the bad practices of the manufacturer, without denouncing them.

Meanwhile, German authorities anti-pollution standards have asked manufacturers to remove these programs and make consistent all vehicles. These marks may withdraw their approval for circulating their automobiles in the territory. About 3 million cars would be affected by the measure in Germany, 11 million worldwide.

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