Wednesday, August 19, 2015

United States: a teenager saved by the voice guidance software … – FranceTV info

“Siri, call for help!” Sam Ray, an American of 18 years, says he was saved from certain death by Siri, the voice assistant software for Apple mobile phones. History, marked on August 17 by NBC (in English) , is told by the sheriff’s office Rutherford County on his Facebook page (in English) .

The scene takes place on 2 July. While under his car to do some repairs, loose jack and the vehicle falls on him. According to the account of the police, the young man then thinks he will die. But after five attempts, he managed to call for help through voice guidance software from its iPhone.

According to his doctor, the young man escaped with a few broken ribs and bruises to kidney. “Fortunately, his injuries were not life threatening, but they could have been” said Richard Miller. It recommends never work alone in his vehicle

On the same subject Read the


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