Friday, August 14, 2015

Soon a program to assess the quality of your photos – Clubic

Penn State researchers have developed an algorithm able to analyze the composition “artistic” a photo, the photographer indicating the strengths and weaknesses of the picture, and help develop their skills.

The camera is not the photographer, nor the subject of the photograph: it’s all in the way of composing his picture. And to help budding photographers to improve, Penn State researchers are working on software capable of analyzing different parameters of shots.

James Wang, professor of information sciences and technology , conducts research. He and his colleagues recently filed a patent to him for their algorithm. “If you’re thinking about aesthetics, it’s all in the composition. You can have beautiful colors, beautiful textures, beautiful forms, but when you think about it, you just consider all of these elements within the composition. “ Finding the right angle, the right framework, the right light, is not necessarily easy.

The algorithm analyzes the researchers cliché and detects different arrangements in the image. It is able to provide comparative examples picks in photo databases “ high aesthetic value ,” says the site Phys. Since it is difficult for software to have a “human” vision of a cliché, the scientists put to students who have been classified and tagged themselves the collection of photos used.

The aesthetic is something subjective ” concedes Jia Li, another researcher. “What a person can find pleasant is not necessarily for someone else, but there are elements that many nice pictures have in common. “

Scientists at Penn State does not have the ambition to create an artificial art critic, but to help photographers to develop their skills. The software analyzes the pictures pixel by pixel, to identify problem areas, such as worries framing. “Our goal from the beginning is to help photographers. If you are an amateur, the computer can analyze the composition of your photo, and help you improve it. “ A process which can also run on a smartphone, since it does not require high resolution picture. “Our system is not very memory intensive. “ However, for researchers hope that their work does not summarize to analyze pictures of food on Instagram …


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