Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Pixar will open-source its software Universal Description Scene – Numerama



 The Pixar studio announced Monday its intention to open source by summer 2016 its Universal Software Scene Description (USD), which “ addresses the need ever increasing in the film industry in images syntheses and video game have an effective way to describe, assemble, exchange, and modify virtual scenes of high complexity between digital creation tools used by studios . “


 Specifically it is a tool that allows all teams to collaborate with the same references for each scene, and work together to improve them. He brings over 20 years of experience in the field.


 The software is used internally for a year to create Finding Dory after Finding Nemo that will be released next year. The open-source version will also contain a 3D rendering tool, special effects tools, documentation, tutorials and python scripts.


 Pixar began in 2012 to distribute its open-source tools, with Open Subdiv. Last March, the studio owned by Disney decided to make its free RenderMan subsequently used for the design of synthetic images.



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