Friday, August 7, 2015

Google and MIT invented software that can remove … – Nikopik (Blog)

This has already had to happen to you: you try to take pictures through glass or any other transparent surface, and your beautiful picture is missed because the terrible reflection of your person on the reflective surface.

Google, the Internet giant, intends to position itself as a key player in the world of online photography. Already Google+ Photos offers strong friendly features to enhance and refine your shots, it seems that the association between the California firm and MIT could also allow you to recover your missed shots to cause unwanted reflections.

 A photo r & # XE9; cup & # XE9; r & # XE9 e gr & # xE2; it & # xE0; the Google algorithm and MIT
A photo retrieved through Google’s algorithm and MIT

This algorithm requires only a short video to calculate in the background image and restore in full by removing reflect normally ruining the photo.

Also note that says-reflection can also be extracted with this algorithm. One feature likely to appreciate the scientific policies as they seek to find the author of a cliché in particular!

This works not only through transparent surfaces, but also when you take a picture through a fence, for example:

 The r & # XE9; results provided by this algorithm are simply bluffing!
The results provided by this algorithm are simply bluffing!

At the moment, this algorithm remains the fruit of a scientific work is not yet planned to be implemented in a consumer application. But one can easily imagine that Google wants to integrate this kind of tool within its camera application or service Google+ Photos. Especially that this software is fully compatible with short videos taken by our current smartphones. What to allow them to compete with conventional cameras by offering unprecedented functionality with a real added value?

This kind of innovation may well fuel the war being played between Apple and its service photo storage, Facebook and Instagram, and Google and its cloud system. It was at that offer more features for the hope to attract a maximum of snapshots in his wallet. It remains to imagine what these Internet giants are going to do with our photos to expect a return on their huge investments.



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