Wednesday, August 12, 2015

A software to fight against anti-vaccine distrust in Montpellier – FranceTV info

Cartovaccins was launched in 2010 in Montpellier. With this software, the immunization coverage is known to every neighborhood and can act to limit the outbreak of epidemics.

  • G
  • Published 12/08/2015 | 18:15 updated 08.12.2015 | 6:15 p.m.
Vaccination. Illustration. © MaxPPP

© MaxPPP Vaccination. Illustration.

The growing distrust of vaccines has reduced the vaccination rates. So since 2010, in Montpellier, health services use Cartovaccins software.

The goal is to map the immunization coverage to detect s ‘There territories with under-vaccination, “said Dr. Eric Schwartzentruber, Cartovaccins initiator of the project.

Montpellier: a program to see the coverage of the city

E. Arnould / Morsch J.

The issue is important because when some neighborhoods have a low vaccination, pediatricians attending a resurgence of epidemics. This was the case in 2011 with measles.

A great national debate on vaccination policy is planned for the fall. Its purpose is to curb the distrust of the French towards vaccines.


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