Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Android updates: what manufacturers offer support … – Phonandroid

In theory, the software support of an Android smartphone takes between 18 and 24 months, 18 months being the official duration in which updates are handled on the Nexus and that, most of the time promised by the manufacturers while some extend their software support to 24 months. Finally, in theory, because the reality is different. Few manufacturers can boast of up to 18 months of software support and even fewer are those who exceed this delay.

When Google releases a new version of Android, it may happen that celle- it puts up to six months before landing as update the smartphones with overlay . This is of course extreme cases because the major manufacturers are becoming more effort to provide the latest versions of the OS as soon possible.Always is it with all these deadlines, some smartphones beyond the Deadline between time and, unless you have a high-end, you have it in the ass.

1. Google

While this is not a builder, strictly speaking, because it is content to market in its store, smartphones and tablets designed by other manufacturers, c is Google Nexus that ensures software support. Software support whose duration is officially 18 months but actually goes well beyond this period since the Nexus 4, 7 and 10 were launched in 2012 and could even Android Lollipop receive Android M this fall, according to a recent discovery made the AOSP’s website.

2. Sony

If Sony is far from the most reactive, when it comes to updates, the proof is with Android Lollipop, he at least has the merit of proposing a real software support its high-end. All Xperia Z , including the first out in early 2013, were updated in version 5.0.2 and all will be updated to version 5.1. A very nice effort by the Japanese manufacturer, which unlike some of its competitors, seems to have understood that everyone does not change smartphone every year.

3. HTC

With HTC One M7 and M8, HTC promised software support for a period of two years. A promise that has been kept since the older of the two received the first version of Lollipop two years after its release. However, it is not yet known if he will be eligible or not in version 5.1. In addition, this promise unfortunately concerns that high-end Taiwanese company and “mini” version of the two models mentioned above will remain under KitKat. This is particularly disappointing, especially in the case of the HTC One Mini 2 has just one year.

4. Motorola

Although he was able to show quite slow in terms of updates, Motorola offers quite correct software support. The first generations of the Moto G and 4G Moto X have waited months before receiving Lollipop, however, they passed directly under the latest version as of the OS. Ditto for the Moto E which nevertheless remains a mobile entry. Let’s hope it continues!

5. LG

In terms of software support, LG is neither the best nor the worst of manufacturers. Its flagship 2012, the LG Optimus G, received its last update (in KitKat) almost two years after its release, the LG G2 received Lollipop (alas, not in all markets) and, by this logic, the LG G3 will receive Android M. The 18 months is respected. However, no question of going beyond that bare minimum.

6. Samsung

In terms of Android updates, Samsung has accustomed us, both at worst and at best. The Galaxy S5 was one of the first smartphones with overlay receiving Lollipop, S4 and Galaxy Note 3 have benefited not only Lollipop but also the 2014 version of the TouchWiz overlay house. However, do not rely on Samsung to extend the software support of its aircraft beyond a certain limit.

Also, unless you have a flagship store, you will not likely receive more than one major update. Moreover, even on her high-end, Samsung has stopped sometimes software support prematurely. It will be recalled include the European version of the Galaxy S3 which has never enjoyed a KitKat that the unit offers only 1 GB of RAM. Knowing that KitKat is optimized to run on smartphones with 512MB RAM, one wonders still where is the error.

Ditto for the Galaxy Note 10.1, a high-end tablet release in September 2012 and updated for the last time in early 2013 Android 4.1.2, except for the select few who have received KitKat markets, they nevertheless account under the fingers of the hand.

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