Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The new strategy of professional software publishers … – Les Echos

So, with a language and a business approach, publishers participating in whitepapers and forums in the press as well as the organization of conferences! This change also joined the development of Saas. Assimilated from a technical challenge, it is now linked to business challenges: This is for the publisher to offer a packaged application, simple and adapted to the specific needs of each market sector. But what factors have triggered this change of strategy on the part of publishers?

A progressive strategy shift

There decade, the editors advocated an innovative technology capable to adapt to the needs of each of their customers. It then approached more from the sale of “systems” that software itself. Then some took a major turning point in terms of strategic positioning by offering vertical by business.

The idea was to think about the user before thinking technology by offering interfaces and functionality for each sector. The software had to use the language of customers and meet their business needs while ensuring deployment and quick start. This strategic positioning required to have experts for each market, able to understand and analyze business challenges in order to translate them into the software.

In recent years, this expertise has taken another dimension: in addition to their offer software suitable for their business and their problems, customers want more be supported in their organization changes and methods. The publishers must be both good technicians and solution architects, business experts, but also consultants to conduct workshops held reflection and propose good practices capitalized on their experience. And without “technical” language or “software”!

The rocker has been gradual. And at present, this aspect is an added value of major importance: to be a reference on methodologies and control the conduct of change to customers with the same level of business knowledge than them. Thus, the software is no longer the heart of the activity, but shows the support that can materialize the expertise of the publisher and accompany the development of its customers.

A permanent monitoring

This expertise is a real added value for the customer: he knows he can rest on the publisher to meet the evolution of its business and the new constraints (methods, regulations, globalization …). Indeed, offer expertise requires analysis of regulations, market research, careful listening to the needs of prospects and customers …

The publisher must therefore be on permanent watch! And this is not just a regulatory monitoring; follow the market developments is essential. Manufacturers and distributors to invest at full speed in the race for innovation and this is a field where today they expect publishers accompany them.

On the technical experts, publishers become business specialists. A development that is not ready to stop in future years!


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