Monday, June 8, 2015

Outdated software – Les Echos

Emmanuel Macron “is not socialist” . This pithy statement of Jean-Christophe Cambadélis last week in “L’Observateur”, must be seen in context: the first secretary of the PS sent a message wishing unifying activists prior to its convention, and the person does not claim either way as a socialist (he never had his card). But the episode is indicative of a deeper problem. The leader of a party in full existential crisis, stuck for new ideas, returns to his studies one that is perhaps the most forward thinking on the future of the left since it was launched in policy, there is a little less than two years. Whether we agree or not with him, the Minister of Economy has set debate the issue of social rights “formal” – rather than defend acquired many of which have more (especially access employment), one has to wonder how to make real, even calling into question the dogmas – attacked the situation rents, defended a more aggressive state shareholder, advocated (with Gabriel) a strengthened European Union for States wish, etc. Jean-Christophe Cambadélis, long close to Dominique Strauss-Kahn, is aware of the need for the French left to evolve its software. But the debate tasteless which were held in Poitiers this weekend show that is far away. They have again focused on the reorientation of responsibility Pact, the need to move to the redistributive phase of five years (redistribute what?) Or major tax reform uphill, giving the feeling that the PS circular. It was so surprising title to see Manuel Valls challenge employers and “ his anxiety speech on fear to hire ” when the prime minister himself invoked this fear there are few weeks, is set to announce Tuesday remedial action (cap damages employment tribunals, in particular). The sending “signals” from left to militants is a sterile exercise, when the electorate expects above all the results. Like the endless debate about the stimulus, supported this time by Arnaud Montebourg time income of a policy forum. The French left is not the only one to return to the wall. The British Labour Party, after an unexpected electoral slap, urged maneuvers, making the observation that the speech leftmost Ed Miliband, particularly vis-à-vis the business sector, had led the party to failure. The German SPD is unable to compete with a Merkel who was able to deal with its social democratic ally in a coalition government. The Spanish PSOE is itself challenged by Podemos, which, like its cousin the Ciudadanos center, kicked the old traditional parties. The PS could well suffer the same fate if the 2017 presidential goes wrong for him.


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