Friday, June 19, 2015

Nuclear Maintenance: Oreka launching a second version of its … – The Energeek

demplus-for-nuclear_creditphoto_oreka-solutions The company gardoise Oreka Solutions unveiled on Tuesday 9 June in Paris a second version of its software DEMplus an innovative solution to optimize maintenance of nuclear power plants.

Young business five years Oreka launched in October 2013 its 3D simulation software to control the decommissioning projects of the oldest nuclear facilities. Two years later, she launched a second version of DEMplus whose scope opens the major overhaul of operations to extend the lifespan of nuclear power stations.

Specifically, the software allows import 3D models of nuclear sites and to calculate the cost, duration, or the waste generated by the potential maintenance or dismantling. Oreka says its software and can save between 15 and 20% of the cost of these operations.

“The increase in the lifetime of nuclear power plants has been recorded by Bill on the energy transition to green growth, says Luc Ardellier CEO Oreka Solutions. EDF speaks budgets of around 55 billion euros for its reactor fleet over fifteen years. Especially since Fukushima, work must also be made to enhance their level of safety. And every day shutdown of a reactor is a shortfall of around one million euros … Our platform enables a comprehensive and optimal approach, taking into account the duration of the operation, the financial aspect and aspect risk “.

Oreka finalized, in April, a second round of funding from partners such as the People’s Bank, the Office of Atomic Energy and Areva for € total of 475,000 euros. His goal? Expand solutions to dismantling other industries. Meanwhile, the company hopes to convince companies that used the first version of its software. For the second version, its CEO says aim “between 500 and 1,000 additional users” on the French market.


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