Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The small software company in the big leagues – the New Republic

Tiny niortaise digital society Cogivéa weaved a place with a customer management software. She now wants to seduce the industry.

I ls sell it? But we can do much better! It is based on this and this exclamation, discovering customer management software qu’utilisait his wife, the Niortais Frédéric Paillé kicked of Sending an adventure. On the model of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak who started like this by designing the Macintosh in a California garage, the IT service provider of mutual partnered with Gerard Boudaud like him who was speaking to Maaf, to perfect this tool.

In Rennes to West Exhibition Industry

“It took us two years, with the job every night, sometimes until midnight and on weekends. But in the end there is 8 years we have put our internet software as open source. It was thought then live services, that is to say sale training and adaptations necessary to use this software. But users were already accustomed to all free. Finally, it was proposed to the first customers to host our software on the cloud and offer a key benefit in hands as a subscription. Companies were delighted! “
Some 1,500 business and not just in the region – ” We have three clients on the Champs-Élysées “, ensures Frédéric Paillé – daily use the software via a simple Internet connection or from their smartphone to consult their client files, manage their calendars, quotes, orders, inventory, etc. For a few dollars per month subscription, the software is adapted to the specificities of their market sector, is constantly updated from Niort. The small team of Cogivéa, strong only five employees, housed in three years on the former site Camif on the lower level of employment center, and operates in a highly competitive industry, and makes figure of microbe face giants like … Microsoft. “Our strength is to be close to our customers, know them well. They love “
explains Frédéric Paillé Minuscule not forbidden to be ambitious. Cogivéa spent € 6,000 to afford a booth too tiny living in West Industry of Rennes. For three days (from 2 to 4 June), the small team of Niort will go convince industry that his hand-sewn software worth the giants.


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