Friday, April 3, 2015

LOCAL LIFE Uxeau: software for the cemetery – The JSL

The old paper map yellowed by time and taped on all sides will depart soon forgotten. Tuesday night, the City Council of Uxeau examined the management of the cemetery. Currently, the management of concessions is a long and complex task for town clerks, which are provided with a tool that does not correspond at all to the air.

Software in 2000 €

For practical and functional reasons, so it was voted unanimously the transition to the digital age. Buying a software Gescime proposed by the company (amount: € 2,000) will solve many problems. Between periods of concessions and mapping, this tool will also be invaluable in the case of family dismantling. Already in place in other cities (Rigny), the software also integrates information and other legal and administrative formalities

Another project for the cemetery. A second columbarium. After studying a new quote, a second space of eight seats will soon be installed in the sum of € 6,550 HT. The first estimate, including the presence of a bench, was not retained because of a too high amount.

the Taxation. When the budget vote, it was voted unanimously to keep rates of the four tax taxes. They will be identical to last year despite the increase (+ 0.9%) bases. The expected product amounted to € 178 954

the Municipal Hall Rental prices to remain unchanged for Uxellois.. € 40 for half -day 80 € a day and 130 € for both days for locals. The rental prices for the common people off (€ 60, € 120, € 200) were revised downward last year, which generated a significant increase in rentals.

the Grants. A total of € 1,560 was voted. Municipal grants are divided into three areas: municipal associations, those involving the local interest and other charitable purposes. The sum of € 450 will be paid to the particular sky Curious. The association of amateur astronomers assured animations as part of extracurricular activities. € 200 return to the Cultural and Sports Association of Uxeau, € 180 in the Canton Tower and 100 € to the union of hunters and owners.

In addition, a new grant award was chartered adopted. To claim it, the organization must submit a written request before a deadline, and will primarily demonstrate a clear public interest.

Taxation. During the budget vote, it was voted unanimously to keep rates of the four tax taxes. They will be identical to last year despite the increase (+ 0.9%) bases. The expected product amounted to € 178 954

Municipal Hall The rental rates Uxellois to remain unchanged.. € 40 for the half day 80 € a day and 130 € for both days for locals. The rental prices for the common people off (€ 60, € 120, € 200) were revised downward last year, which generated a significant increase in rentals.

Grants. A total of € 1,560 was voted. Municipal grants are divided into three areas: municipal associations, those involving the local interest and other charitable purposes. The sum of € 450 will be paid into the sky Curious. The association of amateur astronomers assured animations as part of extracurricular activities. € 200 return to the Cultural and Sports Association of Uxeau 180 € the turn of the township and 100 € to the union of hunters and owners.

In addition, a new grant award charter was adopted. In order to qualify, the organization must submit a written request before a deadline, and will primarily demonstrate a clear public interest.


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