Monday, March 2, 2015

In economics, Nicolas Sarkozy hardly change software – L’Express

Some ideas, principles, and many critics. This is the cocktail truths delivered by Nicolas Sarkozy at a major interview published Monday in Le Figaro . As the leader of the UMP is expected on the redesign of the party, he wanted to speak on the substance by presenting the outline of a “political alternative”. Where the company would occupy a prominent place.

The “balance of François Hollande”

Before presenting his ideas, Nicolas Sarkozy has endeavored to show what does not. He criticized the action of the government and especially the “balance of Francois Hollande.” “The first time that France connects three years of near-zero growth”, “the first time that the number of business failures is greater than 60 000 per year for two consecutive years” … Nicolas Sarkozy calls on the both the macro and microeconomics to show the extent of the failure of his successor. Thus, he is convinced that must start “a revolution of minds, facing all businesses.” Quite the heart of his “political alternative”.

On the “micro-economic” level, Nicolas Sarkozy fails to mention that business failures have started to decline in 2014 (-2.9%) for the first time in three years, according to the final score of the insurer Coface released last week. A reversal of trend was confirmed in January with a decline of 3.2% in the number of failures. The head of the UMP thus passes over in silence the still small glimmers of improvement -Certainly very fragiles- which nevertheless tend to accumulate as the end of the recession in the private sector, or restarting the automotive market. Not a word about the fact that unemployment is (finally!) A first decline (-0.5%). It is true that on this front, the outlook remains very bleak.

The return of topics 2007-2012

After finding his black posed, the head of the UMP wants to “address the real business problems “. That is to say “rethink the Labour Code (…) to keep only the fundamental rights of employees and return the remainder to trading”. Nicolas Sarkozy has not abandoned the good old recipes of the past, in his acclaimed by the French. So he hangs without naming the “ work more to earn more ” wanting “to restore overtime tax-free.” He says twice in this interview.

But the former head of state also wants to help companies “who want out 35 hours (to) do it through negotiation.” However, this provision already exists for firms in difficulty from “keeping agreements in employment” découlés ANI (national interprofessional agreement adopted in May 2013), the first stage of the flexicurity voted by the left.

Reforming through company agreements, an idea already at work

Besides, it’s a little device used by companies but which has many government. Indeed, Emmanuel Macron and Manuel Valls have recently highlighted the benefits that may have been withdrawing Renault for example, who, for the wage freeze and an increase in working time of employees, conditioned to a commitment on employment a given period, the results were off the automotive group in 2014. The government could push for “offensive Agreements” (not limited to companies in difficulty), widely demanded by employers, unanimously criticized by unions. This is one of the points under discussion in the margins of the future law on social dialogue to be presented by François Rebsamen.

On the idea of ​​trading so between the social-liberal shift initiated by the government “pro-business” Manuel Valls, and the position of Nicolas Sarkozy to “trust companies”, the difference is frankly not visible. Only the opening of negotiations at branch level proposed in the government scenario may possibly be highlighted as one important difference.

“loads Drop” and end “ISF France”

Ditto on the beat arch-field lower expenses where the head of UMP is reduced to promise to do more, but without really giving any details. “The first expectation of the French and SME managers is lower burdens on the job”. Without encrypting the effort, the head of the UMP wants to impose “greater tax saving our businesses and jobs.” “We will have to react strongly,” he warns, while saying that “nothing has been resolved by the CICE” as “more of an entrepreneur who used the two believes that this measure does have no impact on the competitiveness of its business “. However, not a word on Nicolas Sarkozy pact of responsibility and € 40 billion of tax cuts and social security contributions voted in favor of companies until 2017.

Of the households The former head of state is little more verbose. He intends to “sharply reduce spending and taxes.” One point, “so it should no longer be EWB in France” because “we can not want Europe and have the highest taxes in the continent.” A stronger line in 2012 where the candidate Nicolas Sarkozy spoke more “relief” than “suppression” of the ISF.

New rules for officials and “retirement at 63″

In terms of spending cuts too, Nicolas Sarkozy remains on its traditional proposals. Regarding the officials, he intends “to return to the non-replacement of the rule of staff on two” and “recruit primarily in the public sector with contracts of five years” rather than hiring “for thirty years” . A position repeated several times in their last meeting. Moreover, according to Nicolas Sarkozy “it is imperative to increase their working time”, so in the manner of what is happening in the company, he would like “we renegotiate agreements on time work in the public service. ”

Finally, it may be in terms of retirement it is ultimately the most accurate. “It will again increase the retirement age and quickly” even prevents the former head of state. “Switch to 63 years (…) in three years,” he says. No, obviously, it was not the last …




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