Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Drones and security: can we rely on a software lock? – Silicon

After further overflights of the capital by drones in the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, March 4th, the French authorities seem determined to respond. Since October, sixty drone overflights were found over Paris and the French nuclear power plants, said the Ministry of Interior. Le Figaro evokes a whole battery of measures against these unauthorized flyovers new types of radars, registration drones obligation to take out insurance, tagage gear with a bullet and a transponder for trace their paths, jamming systems, “jets of matter” (sic) …


Our colleagues explain that the Secretariat-General for National Defence and Security (SGDSN) structure under the Prime Minister, is working on the subject and gave a confidential report on the subject Manuel Valls January 30 . SGDSN on behalf of the National Research Agency has even launched a tender , worth one million euros, to identify other processes. Still, according to Le Figaro , 23 projects are running; successful candidates should be announced within a fortnight.

“No-fly zones”

Strangely, this debauchery means seems for the moment to ignore the simplest and least expensive solution for the state: a blockage at the source, located in the same software that drives the devices. Indeed, for drones equipped with GPS, it is possible to record the no-fly zones in the heart of the software. Directly for new models or via an update for the machines already sold. This is also the solution the Chinese manufacturer of drones DJI uses for its Phantom models 2. They can neither steal nor take off from a closed areas defined by the authority American in charge of these issues (Federal Aviation Authority), the “no-fly zones” that cover in particular Washington, land borders of the United States, but also 10,000 airports.

It must be said that in January, one of the drones DJI ended his race on the lawns of the White House! All without being detected by radar systems surrounding the building hosting the American president. Because the United States know, in the field, the same security issues that France and seek, too, parades. In January, a drone charge of 6 pounds of methamphetamine crashed in a parking lot of Tijuana, Mexico border city, highlighting the use of unmanned aerial vehicles for drug delivery .

Too easy to get around?

Faced with these misuses, the solution for the software update is on paper and seductive. It is already possible to avoid overflying ‘by accident’ or Challenge prohibited by mainstream users zones. Without complicating the legislation, a willingness of the French authorities seem unwilling to rein in an industry that employs some 3,000 people in France.

Still, updating the firmware solution is far from perfect, as stressed in Gérôme Billois , senior manager in risk management and security within the Solucom consulting firm: “ First, there is a good chance that the measure is easy to circumvent. It all depends on how it is implemented. Then maintenance looks complicated: who manages the list of prohibited areas, has she been updated, how imposing updates to users, etc.??? If these issues are not addressed properly, the firmware update will remain a superficial protection . ” Gérôme and Billois to see there primarily a measure to mark the spirits

Read also:.

Delivery by drones: After Amazon, La Poste is interested

Why Google buys solar drones Titan Aerospace

After Amazon and drones, Google launches into robotics


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